Tuesday, December 27

To Don't Do List

It goes without saying that the number one thought on everyone's mind is a resolution for the new year as we are reaching the end of the year. It is therefore also save to assume that we are all thinking about what we wanna do to reach our goals and how we plan to achieve that. 

Tuesday, December 20

Monthly Savings & Expenses November 2016

Monthly Savings & Expenses November 2016

Time flies really really fast! Especially when it's nearing the end of the year. And before I know it, it is already 20 days into the month of December! Very late to be posting my November 2016 savings and expenses. But I can't let it stop after documenting for the past 10 months. This is what happens when you keep putting off something to the next day and it never gets done.

Wednesday, December 7

Cash is always king

'Cash is King!' This is a long time catch phrase through so many generations. Online payments, cashless payments like PayPal, ApplePay, AndroidPay probably took some shine off the King, but it is still and in my opinion should always be King.