Tuesday, November 26

Start 2020 with a 100 Perfect Fans!!

Start 2020 with a 100 Perfect Fans...That Buy! 

I know, I know…
I thought Facebook was a pay-to-play platform too. But…

Saturday, November 23

5 Things You Should Avoid Buying New


Whether it is a puppy, kitten or hamster, It is always tempting to buy a pet from your local pet store as they are always displayed as adorable and conveniently located with pet supplies right within the shop. 

Thursday, November 21

What Would You Do With a 100 Perfect Fans?

What Would You Do With a 100 Perfect Fans?

 100 perfect people

Goosebumps!!  Seriously! Just imagine what your business would look like if you had a 100 perfect fans?

Monday, October 21

What's the most a dollar has ever gotten you?

Photo Source: https://imgur.com/r5sj6

There are a million ways to save a dollar and also a million ways to spend a dollar.
What then can a dollar get you? And what's the most a dollar has ever gotten you?

Thursday, September 26

The 50 Dollar Story

There’s a story about a lecturer who offered a $50 note to his students
“Who wants this $50 note?”

Everyone raised their hands, indicating very much that they wanted it.

“I may give this fifty dollar note to one of you, but i need to do this first.”

Tuesday, August 20

Learn From A Donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.

The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway;
it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

Friday, August 16

Don’t be a chicken!

Don’t be a chicken!

If you know one thing about me…
You know that I love helping people YOU build your business!
Now, you have the opportunity to do that same thing!
I know you might think I am a little cuckoo…

Tuesday, July 2

3 Saving Goals To Set

Setting specific financial goals is often the first essential step toward achieving your dreams. After all, if you don't have goals, you won't know what to do with your money -- and you won't know if you're on track to be prepared for important life milestones such as retirement. Unfortunately, it can be hard to figure out exactly what goals to set.

Friday, June 28

Turning Audience Into Buyers

[Knock-Knock] Is this thing on?

It’s every page and group owner’s worst nightmare….
You ask a question -
Or post something -
And all you get is the lonely echo of an “empty room”.
The sound of silence.
But you know you have ‘fans’....
And you know you have members in your group....

Wednesday, June 26

You can't use these words on facebook...

You forgot the magic word [Don’t say THAT!]

Facebook can be fickle.
One word, which may seem harmless, can derail your reach.
You see, it’s not a question of *IF* but rather *WHEN* Facebook adds a new word to the “BAD” list.
You may have seen it….

Tuesday, June 25

Facebook is dead...let’s talk about it.

Facebook is dead...let’s talk about it.
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Facebook is dead...let’s talk about it.

Have you ever heard that Facebook is dead?

Here's a page I started in Oct 2018. 

Before i took the page strategies course in Feb 2019, I had less than 80 page likes and of course they include my mum, my friends and everyone around me i can get hold of.

After applying the strategies by Moolah and Rachel, I manage to grow my page steadily and even got a MILLION reach with this post I uploaded on 26 May 2019.


As at 25 June 2019 it had a reach of 1.4million people.
How cool is that!

You may think it's impossible.
Yeah, me too.
But here’s the deal - Facebook is dead for SOME people.
The ones that don’t understand it…
Or don’t have a step-by-step system to follow.

Now - here’s the good news -
The Grow Your Audience course I’ve been talking about the last few days is EXACTLY what you need to make Facebook profitable for you.

It shows you what to do from 0 - 1,000 Fans -
For those that are just starting out.
Then it takes you through the next stages. 1K - 25K. 25K - 50K, 50K - 100K, and 100K+
Each phase.
EXACTLY what to do. AND when to do it.
So that you can Beat Facebook at it’s own Game.

Using the Rules of Facebook to your advantage.
And when you can do that, you actually WANT people to believe Facebook is dead.
Because it removes the wannabe’s and “get rich quick” people from your space.
Want to know more?
>>> Click here to join the Grow Your Audience Course NOW!

Facebook Page Strategies

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Monday, February 11

5 Money Saving Ways This Valentine's Day

 Valentine's Day

It's here! The week where Romance and Love is highest in the air. So are the prices of all things lovely, from flowers to chocolates, dinner to staycations and anything that ends with love in it.