Wednesday, March 31

Expenses March 2021

Monthly Expenses March 2021

Housing ($900.00) - Hdb loan repayment, Utilities, Wifi & Cable TV charges make up this list.

Personal ($37.90) - Handphone, haircut.

Transport & Taxi ($98.80) - Monthly EZ Reload top up of $40 for bus and MRT and a few taxi trips.

Food ($597.30) - Groceries and eating out

Giving ($1059.00) - Allowance for parents and wife who is now a stay at home mum to our 3 kids. Co-share TV with my siblings for our mum house. 

Kids ($107.95) - School fees, snacks and others 

Insurance ($481.39) - For self, for kids 

Total Expenses for January 2021: $3,272.00

Monday, March 15

The Missing Gold

An old man decides to sells all of his goods for a large pile of gold. He had never seen so much gold in his life! He wants to enjoy the beauty of the gold but at the same time worried that someone may steal it from him. He then thought of a great idea to bury it in his backyard and every day he would go to his backyard and dig up the the gold, admire the beauty of the gold and then covering the gold back in the ground.